

 From Back to Future MFL - Batuhan Barım  👈(New Page 11-01-2021)

Tasks, Homeworks, Self Study Options  👀 (Updated 11-01-2020)

Check Your Progress/Attendence (11-01-2021)

 Verbs followed by Gerund or Infinitive ( 20-12-2020)

Gerund - Infinitive - Bare Infinitive ( 20-12-2020

How to Study Vocabulary (06-12-2020)

Youtube Channels to Improve English (28-11-2020)

Information About the Exam and Performance Grades (10-11-2020)

Present Perfect and Simple Past Tenses    (06-11-2020)

Psychological-barriers-to-learning-a-Language (11-10-2020)

How-to-start-speaking-and-what-to-speak (11-10-2020)

Levels in English / What is your Level?

Grammar with "Quiz Your English"

Listening with "Voscreen"

Anonymous / Frequently Asked Questions

individual-talks-and-lessons  (11-10-2020)



Anonymous Questions . This form can be used anytime to ask questions anonymously.

Self Check Survey . This form will be filled two times, at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. (September 2020, June 2021)

Lesson Feedback  .This form can be used anytime to give feedback about a lesson

Uzaktan Eğitim Sürecinde Dijital Yeterlilik, Sosyal Medya Kullanım, İlgi ve Eğilim Envanteri . This form will be filled at the beginning of the academic year. (September 2020)

Daily Check. This form will be filled time to time on teachers demand


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