Tasks, Homeworks, Self Study Options

 Live  in  or Study English for at least 30 minutes everyday. You can choose activities among them

    Listening    : Play Voscreen

                         Watch Your Fav. YouTubers

    Grammar    :Play Quiz Your English

                         Play Learn English Grammar British Council Uk Edition 

                         Play Voscreen according to Grammar Structure

    Vocabulary : Note new vocabulary down

                        Study the new words in chunks

    Writing       :Text your teacher and your friends in English. 

    Reading      :Read news in "News in Levels" Application

    Speaking     :Talk to foreigners/friends/brothers/sisters. 

                        Talk in computer game.

                        Sing yourself, Memorise songs

                        Talk on your own about different topics; books you read, movies you watch, keep audio diary/video diary. Record yourself. Save them. If you want, share them.

                        Send audio/video messages to teacher. 

                        Send audio/video messages to your friends/someone 

                        Repeat movie scenes (Voscreen)

                        Read boks loudly (Better to listen and read loudly) 

                        Speak in English Lessons.

                        Talk to Google Docs. Use Speesh to Text Engines 

18th Week's Tasks (18-22.01.2021)

 Task 1

Dear Students,
We will have a guest on Monday. Please ask him any questions about his feautures. Use the following common google document.


17th Week's Tasks (11-15.01.2021)

In lesson task 1

Travel a museum, landscape or a city in youtube 4k videos.
You can use those websites

Task 2
Talk about the place you visited on Youtube for at least 2 minutes. You can talk about: Where did you visit?
Why did you choose that place?
What kind of video did you watched? (Drone, walk tour ....)
How was that place? What did you see?
What is the similarities and differences between this place and a place you have seen before? (İzmir vs Barcelona, Chinese wall vs Walls of Istanbul)

 16th Week’s Tasks (04-08.01.2021)

 In lesson task 1

Watch the video below. Come back to the zoom at 08:50



In lesson task 2 

Read the subtitle of the video and bold the gerunds and infinitives. Dont send your studies to the teacher


In-lesson Task 3

Good Afternoon Dear Students,

1-I will send you some games about Gerund and Infinitive. Play those games as many as possible

2-Play the games in order. They are from easy to difficult.

3-Write your name as (9A Your Full Name)


In-lesson Task 4

Good Afternoon Dear Students,

1-I will send you some games about Gerund and Infinitive.

2-Play the games in order. They are from easy to difficult.

3-Write your name as (9A Your Full Name)

15th Week’s Tasks (28-31.12.2020)

In Lesson Task 1

Go and send me an audio message, by reading Gerund infinitive rules.

In Lesson Activity 2

Draw and Guess Game

14th Week’s Tasks (07-13.12.2020)

 1st task.
 Send an audio message to the teacher by talking about gerund and infinitive verbs.

2sd Task
Prepare anonymous questions for your friends on following google form by using gerund and infinitive verb forms.

 13th Week’s Tasks (07-13.12.2020)

In lesson Task 1 

Click the verbs that you know their meanings.

In lesson Task 2

Do google photo search about the verbs you dont know in gerund and infinitive list. Find funny and interesting photos. Send it to the teacher.

3rd Task

Study the visuals in class whatsApp group about the verbs followed by gerund and Infinitive.
(Or you can study the teacher's blog page https://ertanderenmfl2020.blogspot.com/2020/12/verbs-followed-by-gerund-or-infinitive.html
Send a WhatsApp message to the teacher saying like "Good evening Sir, I have studied the visuals about Gerund and Infinitive"

Cool. ✔️ I hope you have learned some verbs followed by gerund and infinitive. Now let's check how many you will remember.  You can take the following test. (10 minutes)   https://forms.gle/nf84H7y2cvcjdRzR6
(Tell me when you finish the test)

4th Task
Now watch the following YouTube videos.  (10 Minutes)
Infinitive in movies
Gerund in Movies
(Tell me when you have finished.)

Cool. Now the last activity. You can play the following game. Dont forget that these activities are not to test you, but to help you to learn more vocabulary. Good Luck. 👍(20 Questions - 15 Minutes)

 12th Week’s Tasks (07-13.12.2020)

Task 1 (30 Minutes)
Watch the following video. (12 Minutes)
Send a WhatsApp message to the teacher like “Hi Sir, I have watched the video about Gerund Infinitive Lecture”

Task 2 (8 Sentences- 20 minutes)
Translate the following sentences.

 11th Week’s Tasks (30-04.12.2020)

Task 1 

Go and check WhatsApp messages with the teacher. Note down the words (word document/ paper ) you don’t know or you have just learnt.  Send them as a WhatsApp message.

Task 2

Go and check the page given by the teacher. Note down the words you don’t know or you have just learnt.  Send them as a WhatsApp message.

Task 3

Play with Youglish and learn how to use it.


Task 4

Watch an English teaching video with your favourite movie, series or cartoon.

Write on YouTube “Learn English with ………..”

And fill this form https://forms.gle/hNxtZ6DHKkR4zKuHA

Task 5

Go to the Teacher’s Blog about YouTube Channels

Browse (Gezin) the YouTube channels as many as possible. Follow at least 3 of them.

Write the names of your three most favourite YouTube Channel on the page’s comment section.


Task 6

Study the unknown words in the vocabulary list, given by the teacher.

Learn in chunks and sentences. You can use ”Cambridge Dictionary” “Google complete” or “Youglish”.

You can add new words to list. You can colour the words you know.

Study when you have time and as much as possible. Deadline is 25.12.2020

10th Week’s Tasks (23-29.11.2020)

Task 1-Talking about off-school days. (During Zoom Lesson or as a Whatsapp message)

Task 2-Texting to teacher about off-school days (On Whatsapp)

Task 3-Talking about YouTube. (During Zoom Lesson or Whatsapp message)

Task 4-Filling the google forms about YouTube. (On Google forms)

               https://forms.gle/TyrgbeN6hB58uYst5 (YouTube in Daily Life)

               https://forms.gle/tqDfuTmeSorUTW7x6 (YouTube to Improve English)

Task 5-Watching a YouTuber and texting to teacher and filling google form. (YouTube, WhatsApp, Google Forms)

            Watch the following video – Send the teacher 3 words or phrases you liked in the video as a whatsapp message

https://youtu.be/3xCQrnTYmzY (“Learn English with TV Series”- The Incredibles)

https://forms.gle/wTQhXmZFxeZgamrB9 (YouTube Activities 1 - Learn English with TV Series)


7. Week’s 1. Task

Download the application "Learn English Grammar British Council Uk Edition"
Study the following Grammar Units - Send the screenshots to the teacher when you finish.
Practice – Beginner pack 1 – Present Perfect
Practice – Beginner Pack 1 – Simple Past
Practice – Elementary Pack 1 – Simple Past
Practice - Elementary Pack 1 – Present Perfect
Practice - Intermediate pack 1 – Present Perfect / Past Simple

7. Week’s 2. Task: 

Download the application “News in Levels”. Read and listen three news text and send audio summaries to teacher as a WhatsApp message.

6. Week's 1. Task: 

 Go and watch present perfect sentences in Voscreen.
Memorise 5 of them. (You can note down) and Send an audio/video to teacher. You should pronounce them well. Work on it. 

6. Week's 2. Task: 

Download News in Levels / Go to website https://www.newsinlevels.com/ https://www.daysinlevels.com/
Choose any news or any important day.
Read the news (You better note down Vocabulary)
Listen to the news
Ask 3 questions about the news that You learnt in news or you havent learnt in news
Send the questions and answers as a whatsapp Message.

Unprepared Speaking 2: 9AB 07-10-2020 / 9CD 09-10-2020

Record a video  (if you can’t, an audio) for one minute. Do it at once. Do not delete, do not try again. End it when one minute ends even if you have something to say. Talk about your favourite books or movies or games

Unprepared Speaking 1: 9ABCD 05-10-2020

Record a video  (if you can’t, an audio) for one minute. Do it at once. Do not delete, do not try again. End it when one minute ends even if you have something to say. You can talk about "What did you do yesterday, What will you do at the weekend? Your English learning background." 



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