From Back to Future MFL Batuhan Barım




Dear Students, Today we are together with Batuhan Barım. He is a man of parts. Simply I can say that He is/was

an ex MFL student

an Erasmus Exchange Student at University

an architect

an ex YouTube content creator

an Instagram content creator

a master of art student

a research assistant at a university

a cyclist traveller


Hello Batuhan. It is nice to see you again.

Can you give us some information about you?

Hi Sir, Hello Dear friends. I am happy to be here as well.

I am Batuhan Barım, 25 Years old

I am from Selçuk – I am living Antalya

I studied at MFL and stayed at dormitory between 2009 and 2013

I studied at ITU between 2013 and 2018 at Architecture Department

I am doing Master Degree and working as a research assistant at History of Architecture Department at Akdeniz University

Where have you travelled so far?

I travelled to Spain and Morocco during my Erasmus Training.

I had 2 long cycling tour in Turkey

From Fethiye to Antalya – 30 Days

From Van to Adana – 45 Days

What can you tell us about Spain?

Spain is similar to Turkey.

You can see Andalusian Islamic Culture there.

Sea cuisine is really rich, which was bad for me. Because I don’t like much.

They sleep at noon. They called it Siesta. Life is more vibrant at Night.

You told us you had travelled by bike for long days. Where do you stay during your cycling?

Mostly in a tent

I use apps to find places to stay like,

Other hospitable people’s houses

There are also some Cyclist Guest Houses

What is the weirdest place to stay as a traveller?

We put up tent in Selimiye Mosques Garden in Edirne,


Where and when did you have your Erasmus experience?

For five months, from January to June in 2017

Alicante – Spain

What are the requirements to be accepted to an Erasmus Program?

Language Competence – B1 Level English (Sometimes A2 level second language)

Knowing Spanish helped me to be accepted for Erasmus

High GDP, College Grades like over 3.3

You can do it on and after the second year of the College.

You said, “Knowing Spanish helped me to be accepted for Erasmus”. How did you learn Spanish?

By myself – by reading books – by watching videos on YouTube

What do you do in Erasmus Program?

Attending Lectures

Attending Fests and Travelling

How much are you paid for Erasmus?

Between 300 and 600 Euros. Depends on the country you studied

How do you get the money?

70% at the beginning, 30 % at the end

Is it enough?

The answer can be “Yes, No, May be” It depends on you and the country, the city you study. For example I needed 156,26 Euro from Family as a monthly support

Ok, Let’s talk about your MFL days. At MFL, Did you have a crash?

Hmmm. I don’t want to talk about it. I guess you know about it.

What are your suggestions about love to the young generation?

Don’t take the love too serious.

Do you see your high school friends?

Yes, for instance Orçun, Simge

Let’s have a look at the old photos of MFL and current photos. What changes do you see in 10 years in MFL?

Chairs, Smart Boards, Uniforms, Class Sizes (24-30)

If you were high school students, what would you do more or less?

I would study languages more.

I would travel Muğla more.

I wouldn’t take the exams too serious.  I would focus on studying but not exams.

I would read more books.

We learnt a lot about chemistry physics etc but I would more focus on history, literature art etc.

How was your grades?

I was nerd.

Did you improve your English in High School?

Yes, a lot. The most important thing is I learned how to learn, use and improve any language. 

What did you use to do in English Lesson lessons, what do you remember?

We used to watched “How I met your mother”

We used to Translate Songs

We used to play some computer games about environment in computer lab.

We used to write online platforms like “Hate book” and “Facebook.”

Unfortunately, we are at the end of the time. We have been talking for 3 hours. We have spoken about many different informative topics. Yet, we couldn’t talk about Architecture, Master Program and Research Assistant. So let’s talk again in the future.

 It was pleasure for me. Thank you for inviting me for such an activity.  I am happy to see you again and be part of MFL from back to future. I will be happy to meet again.


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