Progress/Attendence Check


Performance grades are NOT the final decision. Check your stats. If you notice any wrong data, you can inform teacher with a message like;

 "Good Morning Mr. Deren, Although I attended the lessons on .........., It seems I didn't. Can you check again please. thank you." 

"Goog Morning Sir, It seems I havent spoken at all in lessons. Yet, I spoke on ............ about my hobbies andwhat I did yesterday. Can you check again please, Thank you in advance"

THIS LIST was UPDATED on 09-01-2021. NEXT UPDATE is on 17-01-2021


Orange colored tasks are:

Youtube 10th Week Task4 (5P)

Yourube 10th Week Task5 (5P)

 Youtube 11st Week Task 4 (5P)

Ger-Inf Tra 12nd Week Task 2 (5P)

Ger-Ing Google 13rd Week Task3 (10P)


Abbreviations in Check List

EGIWE Extra Gerund Infinitive Wordwall Excercises
QYEXD  Quiz Your English Extra December Study
ASIG Analising a Song Gerund Infinitive
A1GCGF A1 Grammar Correction Google Form

A1AL2                     A1 Level Additional Lesson 2 - 09-01-2021 Tuesday

A1AL1                    A1 Level Additional Lesson 1 - 15-12-2020 Tuesday

CWT                       Checking Written Document

EEP                        Email Exchange Program

NinLASX3             News in Levels Audio Summary Extra Study

CinEinWX             Chat in English in WhatsApp Extra

SinLX                   Speaking in Lessons Extra

VocX                     Voscreen Extra Work

SPPPA2                Simple Present Present Perfect A1 A2 Exercises Completed

A                           Audio Message

Ap?                       Audio Message Probably Prepared

V                           Video Message

Vp?                       Video Message Probably Prepared

LA                         Late Attendence

QA                        Question Answer

QC                         Quick Chat

SSE                       Sunday Speaking Exercises Completed

L                            Late

SEL                       Speaking English in Lesson by his/her own will.

5MS                      Having a 5 Minutes Chat

NinLX                   News in Levels Extra Study

Reading                  Reading Story Books

PT                          Placement Test

SA                          Self Asessment

DS                         Dijital Sufficiency

DC                         Daily Check

P                            Perception

VoNX                    Voscreen Notebook Extra

SAMinC                Sending Audio Messages in chat

LEGX                     Learn English Grammar Extra Study

QYEX                    Quiz Your English Extra Study

C/SinG                  Chatting and Speaking in Games

WMSY                  Watching Movies Series and Youtubers

L/SSongs                Listening and Singing Songs

RDAV                    Recording Daily Audio Videos


πŸ‘€ IMPORTANT INFO (08-10-2020)

Correction deadline for an attendence data is 10 days after announcement. (You can send a whatsapp message, Teacher may demand Zoom meeting. You can send a message like that:

"Good Morning Mr. Deren, Although I attended the lessons on .........., It seems I didn't. Can you check again please. thank you."


-Aim of this page is to check yourself and motivate you to focus on your progress. What is written here is not a final decision.

-You will have more than 100 point, probably 120-130. So you can choose among activities as you wish. You can skip activities which are not fun for you. Some sections and tasks can be obligatory depends on teachers decision, for example attendance points or google forms etc. 

-This grading system is a draft. Teacher can delete, add activities, change the points of the some activies. 

 -Attend all lesson. Inform teacher in advance with an excuse message if you cant attend a lesson.

 -If you notice any wrong data, you can inform teacher with a message like;

 "Good Morning Mr. Deren, Although I attended the lessons on .........., It seems I didn't. Can you check again please. thank you." 

"Goog Morning Sir, It seems I havent spoken at all in lessons. Yet, I spoke on ............ about my hobbies andwhat I did yesterday. Can you check again please, Thank you in advance" 

-This Page is planned to update once a week. (Probably at weekends) 

-You can click to enlarge photos


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