10 Minutes English with Voscreen



What should you do?

    Download the Voscreen application on your smartphone or visit the website.



    Join our school group

(Ask teacher for the link.)

    Have one of the following types of study.

Basic Study


        -Click the correct option



Professional Study


        -Click the correct option

        -Take notes and screen shots (Vocabulary, Grammar)

        -Watch again




        -Ask teacher unknown grammatical structures

Genius Study


        -Click the correct option

        -Take notes and screen shots (Vocabulary, Grammar)

        -Watch again


        -Add the important ones to your list (Possible just by website)



        -Ask teacher unknown grammatical structures by sending screenshots

        -Watch your list again

How to improve my language skills with Voscreen.


   Choose videos according to your level

   Try to understand without subtitle

   Listen again and again


    Note down or screenshot unfamiliar structures. Ask teacher.

    Create similar sentences.


    Listen, repeat the same sentence again and again


    Note down new vocabulary on your notebook, blog, Word, excel document

What are the important hints for the activity?

•     Don't study 2 hours once a week, study 10 minutes every day or 20 minutes in two days.

•      Continuity is the most important key.

            A Turkish proverb  "Damlaya Damlaya Göl Olur"

            An English proverb "many a mickle makes a muckle"

How will it be assessed?

Playing with Voscreen 10 points = Basic 7 Points + Pro 3 Points + (Genius +2 Extra)

        You have to play the game 10 minutes every day or 20 minutes in 2 days.

        Teacher will ask your stats and your vocabulary notes fortnightly  (every two weeks)

        This activity starts on 28 September, finishes on 15 January.

 How to handle Voscreen?

 You can change option language according to your language.

You can change the length of dialoques. Short sentences are good for beginners.

You can change the difficulty level of dialoques.

You can see your stats. Take the screenshot of this part and send teacher whenever he wants.

Note down new vocabulary. I use a whatsapp group, You can use a notebook or word document.


 You can ask teacher unknown structures

You can create your own lists. It can be favourites, grammatical categorisation



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