Written Exam and Performance Marks Information


(Following exam content is given to you to give an insight. Marking and content will change. This page will be updated weekly. So It is better you to check regularly)

VOCABULARY - 10 points

You will be asked to answer some vocabulary questions. You will be responsible for the vocabulary on WhatsApp chats and teachers blog

    Example 1 - Fill in the blanks with correct word

    ...........a video (if you can’t, an audio) for one minute. Do it at once. Do not delete and do not     try again.

    a)record    b)delete    c)grade    d)speak

    Example 2 - You can demand ..........talks or lessons for 15-30 minutes on monday between         18:00-19:00.

    a)individual     b)secret        c)important    d)

    Example 4 Answer the following question

    Which one of the following states is NOT a psychological barrier to learn a language?

    a) Lack of motivation and willingness

    b) High level of anxiety and shyness

    c) Fear of making mistakes 

    d) Having high self confidence 


GRAMMAR - 10 points

You will be asked to answer some grammar questions about present perfect tense and simple past from:

1-Quiz your English

2-Learn English Grammar

3-Voscreen "Present Perfect" and "Simple Past" sections.

4- https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/simple_past_present_perfect4.htm

    Example 1 - Fill in the blank with correct tense and sentence order. 

    "We .............. chicken Tandoori before. (never/to try)"


READING - 20 points

You will be asked to read an a2 level texts and answer some questions. 

Check the reading texts on website https://www.newsinlevels.com/ 


WRITING - 20 Points

You will be asked to write a text. 

    Example 1 - Write a paragraph about following questions:  "What do you do to improve your speaking English? What speaking strategies do you know? What do you think of them? What is your opinion about these strategies"

    Example 2 - Write a paragraph about following questions: “What psychological states can be a barrier to learn a language?" 

    Example 3 - Write a paragraph about your English Language Learning History

    Example 4 - Tell us about your favourite book, movie or computer game.



Teacher will evaluate listening and speaking points. It will be announced before the written exam.   If a student doesn’t agree with the mark, graded by the teacher, he/she can have a speaking exam on Zoom, for 15 minutes, under the supervision of two English Teachers in A2/B1 Level

+30 Points are for the performance: Sending audio/video messages to teacher, speaking in English Classes etc. +20 Points are for the speaking skills. Total Maximum 40 points.

You will have 60 points of written exam. 20-40 points will be added as a speaking point on your paper.



Performance marks will be graded on students progress check notes. It is NOT important how well you know English. It is important how much effort you have had. Following titles are important:

Attending Lessons

Sending audios, videos, homeworks, tasks in time

Speaking English in English Lessons

Studying English regularly with Voscreen, Quiz your English

Texting with teacher on whatsapp in English 


You can watch the following video about exams (from 43:54)



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